Master class of choreography from the Japanese troupe NOISM

The Red Triangle Business Center. 136 Obvodny Canal, passage 4
Master class of choreography from the Japanese troupe NOISM

On November 22 the master class of choreography from the Japanese troupe Noism was held at The Red Triangle Business Center. The Noism Company demonstrated a Noism Method – an original dance training method developed by the founder and artistic director of the troupe Jo Kanamori. The basis of this method is a so-called “feeling of a positive tension.” It is based not on the idea of moving with the least possible applied strength with regard to a single-directional force, but rather on the idea of movement born of an awareness of multi-directional forces. The Company often use the word “KIKKO” (contention, competition), and when you think a pose or form that you have taken in dance not simple as the stopping of the flow of movement but as two or more flows of movement opposing or competing against each other within the body to create that pose or form, a positive (kinetic) sense of tension is born.

The master class was held by Jo Kanamori (artistic director of the Noism) and Sawako Iseki (vice-artistic director of the Noism).