20-21 November – “Diaghilev Audition” was held in the St Petersburg Capella

the St Petersburg Capella
the St Petersburg Capella
20-21 November – “Diaghilev Audition” was held in the St Petersburg Capella

20-21 November, the St Petersburg Capella

Founded in 2009 the International Festival of Arts “DIAGHILEV. P.S.” in St Petersburg has become a major cultural event for this city.
The name of Sergey Diaghilev stands out in the history of culture as a great discoverer of talent. The lives of many legendary artists of the ХХ century would have been different if it was not for him. The great impresario gave them the CHANCE to leave their trace in the history of music and theatre.
This year the DIAGHILEV.P.S. Festival started a new project “Diaghilev Audition”. The idea is to give a chance to young talented opera singers to present themselves to directors of the leading opera theatres and well-known producers. The Festival invited 20 Opera houses.
Auditions was held in the St Petersburg Capella on the 20-21st of November. The number of the singers was limited and their professional level high: only winners of international vocal competitions and artists who have already sung on major international stages were invited.